Monthly Archives November 2015

End of the Year Charitable Contributions

If you want to maximize your deductions before the end of the year, Julian Block has written an article with advice on how to make the most of your contributions.  His tips include: If you are donating appreciated assets, be sure to do so early enough to allow the transfer to go through by December 31. If you are donating items from your home or business, be sure to make detailed lists of what you are donating to use with the receipt you receive from the charitable organization that is accepting your items. If you donate a non-cash item worth

The Difference Between Revenue and Profit

If you are a business owner, it’s important to understand the difference the between revenue and profit.  This article by David Ingram of Demand Media gives the meaning and value of revenue and profit and how to increase both.   Click here to read the full article.

Year End Business Tax Planning Tips

Business owners who are looking to reduce their tax bill should consider the following tips to increase deductions and decrease their current year income before the end of the year: Defer Income Until Next Year Maximize Deductions Before the End of the Year Understand the Benefits and Burdens of the Affordable Care Act Watch for Last Minute Tax Extenders from Congress Click here for more information found in an article written by Sally P. Schreiber, J.D.  